
Monday, 29 May 2017

Installed Software Inventory from Remote Machine - Output in CSV (Excel) format

This is build to collect Installed Software Inventory from Remote Machine.
You need to Enter Server names in server.txt file to collect the details from multiple servers.
This will work on  Windows 2003/2008, Win7 machines.
Software details will be collect from remote machine registry values.

Diffrent verion with HTML output at - 

Diffrent verion with CSV output at - 


Soft-Inventory $Comp | select ComputerName, Name, Publisher, InstallDate, `
EstimatedSize, Version, Wow6432Node | 
Sort-Object @{Expression={$_.InstallDate};Ascending=$True}` 
         | Export-Csv -Path  $filename   -NoTypeInformation 
All server's software details in same spreadsheet.
Replace the below  from line number 104 in main attached file.

 $date = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y-%H:%M" # To get a current date. 
 $filename = ($SCRIPT_PARENT + "\_SoftwareReport.csv") 
 $vUserName = (Get-Item env:\username).Value 
 $vComputerName = (Get-Item env:\Computername).Value 
 write-Host "Getting software information.($Comp)" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor White  
 Soft-Inventory $Comp | select ComputerName, Name, Publisher, InstallDate, EstimatedSize, Version, Wow6432Node | 
Sort-Object @{Expression={$_.InstallDate};Ascending=$True}` 
         | Export-Csv -Path  $filename   -NoTypeInformation -Append 
 write-Host "file is saved in $filename" -ForegroundColor Cyan 
 #invoke-Expression "$filename"  
#@================Code End=====================
Here is the output view of the script.

Ping Admin tool - Ping Check to multiple servers,computers & IP range. PowerShell

Hello Admins,
Ping Admin tool is powerful tool based on PowerShell scripting.
Using Power Admin tool you can Ping to Single, multiple Server/computers or IP range.
Moreover, Ping Admin tool gives you OS type as well in the output, along with FQDN and IP address.
If, IP range selected then it will show TTL value as well.
Download tool from link

Functions -
You can export Data output in following formats.
Export to CSV
Export to HTML
You can copy (clipboard ) the data output value to paste anywhere.
You can clear the Data Output.
Execution Time-
It will show you the execution time as well. How fast it has pulled the value.
Single computer textbox will show auto-complete text which you entered earlier in same textbox.
Amol Patil 


#region Get Ping Status Code 
            Function GetStatusCode 
                Param ([int]$StatusCode) 
                switch ($StatusCode) 
                    #0     { "Online" } 
                    11001   { "Buffer Too Small" } 
                    11002   { "Destination Net Unreachable" } 
                    11003   { "Destination Host Unreachable" } 
                    11004   { "Destination Protocol Unreachable" } 
                    11005   { "Destination Port Unreachable" } 
                    11006   { "No Resources" } 
                    11007   { "Bad Option" } 
                    11008   { "Hardware Error" } 
                    11009   { "Packet Too Big" } 
                    11010   { "Request Timed Out" } 
                    11011   { "Bad Request" } 
                    11012   { "Bad Route" } 
                    11013   { "TimeToLive Expired Transit" } 
                    11014   { "TimeToLive Expired Reassembly" } 
                    11015   { "Parameter Problem" } 
                    11016   { "Source Quench" } 
                    11017   { "Option Too Big" } 
                    11018   { "Bad Destination" } 
                    11032   { "Negotiating IPSEC" } 
                    11050   { "General Failure" } 
                    default { "Failed" } 

Sunday, 28 May 2017

RansomWare 'wannCry' Patch Verify & Installation - PowerShell Script

Hello SysAdmin Friends,

As we are well aware that Ransome 'wannCry' badly impacted Globally.
Many of us were not aware what it is that time.
So after this Attack many organizations what to be in safe hand.
Might we all ran many our other utilities on the Servers to verify "Are we safe ?"
So I was working on the same thing so found many options but didn't work for me so I gathered all the information and PS commands from other site sources.
I finally made the script to Verify those RansomWare patches are Installed or not, IF not install? It will install from the root source.

Let check the Prerequisites and further steps to proceed on this.
This script will check the Ransomware patches on provided servers.
If the patch is not found it will install with "NoReboot".
PowerShell v2 and Above
Windows Server 2008 / 2012
0.2     :   Add more filters to check the patch and run asjob.
0.1     :   Base Script


Click Here - RansomWare_patchInstall

Points to Take care :-
- Files should be in folder C:\RansomWare_patchInstall\
- Patches are located at - C:\RansomWare_patchInstall\patches
- psexec.exe should be at - C:\RansomWare_patchInstall\
- Textbox popup windows is for giving inputs for server list. Max servers list in each line is 1200.
- Email sending option also there IF you have local SMTP email configuration, Otherwise click NO when it popup. 
Amol Patil

Installed Software Inventory from Remote Machine - Output in CSV (Excel) format

Hello, This is build to collect Installed Software Inventory from Remote Machine. You need to Enter Server names in server.txt file to co...